
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Presents

These precious little children were waiting for me when I went into the bedroom the other day and they were waiting on the bed just like this. They said, "Look Mommy, this is your present!" I told them...hold it right know I just had to capture this Kodak moment! I ran and got the camera...and they really did hold it just like this the whole time! I am surprised Julia's neck didn't need therapy afterward! But, I wanted to share this picture with you all to remind you that the Bible says children are a blessing. And you know what, they are our greatest presents...sent straight from God. Don't buy into the world's mindset that children are just more bills, more headaches, more money...etc. That is not God's mindset, so it shouldn't be ours. Are there heartaches sometimes? Sure...we live in a fallen world, but I can truly say that my children just get more and more precious the more years I spend with them. I look forward to all the new things they will learn and travelling down the road of life with them as long as our gracious Lord allows. They are my presents! And what wonderful presents they are! Remember, in life the most important things are not things...they are people, children, the still small voice of God, the beauty in nature, the love of those around you. So today...start today...and enjoy those things that really matter...all the things that aren't things at all! May God bless you and help you to see the beauty around you in the people, especially the little children who reach out to touch you, laugh with you, play in front of you, and give you their "presents" in their smiles. God bless you today.

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