
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Finding My Way

It has been a little over two months since we have moved and I am still staring at boxes in our garage and bonus room.  We are slowly working our way into our new home, creating a new fabric for the day to day rhythm of our lives.  Being a military spouse has taught me so very much about working with constant change.  We change houses, churches, doctors, hairdressers, our favorite places to shop, grocery stores and all the things we can no longer find…or things we can finally get now…vets, piano teachers, homeschool groups, sewing teachers and yes, even friends.  We always keep the old friends, but must become accustomed to not seeing them regularly and finding new ones.  That is one of the hardest things about moving.  Sometimes it seems like friends are plentiful in some places, sparse in others…just another indication of a new season in one's life.

As much as I dreaded Oklahoma…and believe me, I did!  I am learning that my Father in Heaven has His beauty everywhere, despite the myriad of scorpions that I find in my home!  The sunsets here are beautiful and the crazy wind?  Well, who would have thought?  My children love it here!  There are birds that we see here almost on a daily basis that I never saw back east…like a great blue heron and a lovely osprey that fishes in the pond behind our yard.  There are coyotes serenading us some evenings…that I must say is not quite a thrilling!

And as much as I have always wanted to stay put in my own home…planting fruit trees that I can watch grow with the passing of each year, painting scriptures and small pictures on my walls, etc., God continues to show me that I am only passing through.  This military life gives me a true taste of the pilgrimage.  Life is so very short.  Children grow up so quickly.  Soon, I will be staring at the empty nest years and I will long for these transient days when we were all together.  What really matters is that we have each other and more importantly, we have the Lord.  Everything else is a far second from that fact.  And although my children will never remember their childhood home like most children…I pray they remember the love that went with them everywhere they lived.  And I hope they take away the thought of blooming where God plants them…no matter where that is.  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Elections Have Consequences

I have been listening to political pundits and radio/TV personalities about the outcome of last night's election.  One phrase that is finding its way among the conservative circles is "elections have consequences."  This is too true.  And to say that I am disappointed in the outcome of this election, would honestly, be an understatement.  Already, there is the analysis of what went wrong.  Somehow conservatives didn't court the Latino community enough…they didn't deal with women's issues enough…Romney was a little too late in showing he was a personable guy…conservatives didn't do a good enough job in proving this was Obama's economy rather than Bush's…and on and on it goes.  But what most seem to be overlooking is that there is a fundamental change in the make-up of this country, yes and even the world.

Conservatives are not conservatives simply because that is a great thing to be. Conservatism was built on Biblical principles and that is its fundamental foundation.  Working was God's idea long before it was a Republican one.  God said a man and woman would make up traditional marriage, long before it became a pillar of the conservative movement.  Helping others without enabling them has always been God's way of doing things.  Being responsible in your stewardship of your monies was God's idea way before the Republican's made it a mandate.  The sanctity of human life is God's idea, not conservatives.  

If you look at the social issues that have been passed this election, to me, the reason behind the loss of the election is clear.  Two states legalize same-sex marriage, Colorado passes the legalization of marijuana for any use, not just medicinal, Massachusetts introduced an amendment to legalize doctor-assisted suicides.  One thing I agree with the President on is that we are no longer a Christian nation.  We were founded on Christian principles…we were once a Christian nation…but no longer.  Biblically Christians have always been in the minority.  The Bible makes that clear.  But, America was at least always morally Christian.  That is no longer the case.  And that is why this election was lost.  It is a spiritual problem and no candidate in the world would be able to fix it, not even a conservative one.  Now, please don't get me wrong.  I think it is our duty to vote for the candidate that most closely aligns themselves to Biblical principles, but that candidate will not change the hearts of men. 

So what does this mean for Christians?  Elections do have consequences.  What they will be is only known by God.  But, I do know this.  It is time for those who call themselves Christian, including myself, to make sure they quit looking for their salvation in a political party or movement.  Work in a movement for the good of the country?  Yes, but never, never, never cross the line in thinking this is the way to save our country.  Spiritual revival is the only way to save this land and that only happens through prayer and sharing the Gospel with others. Some of us wouldn't have a problem knocking on doors to hand out a political flyer, but how many of us are as courageous to share Christ?  And believe me, I say this to myself long before I say it to you.  I have not been good about this.  Many times I have cared more about my comfort, or what others will say or think of me.  Time is short and people are dying without Christ.  God still reigns and none of this has happened without His authority.  Somehow this works out in His plans for all of us, and only God knows.  But, I do know this…He promises that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.  That is good news.  So instead of fretting about who is occupying Pennsylvania Avenue…rejoice that our Heavenly Father is in Heaven ruling the affairs of men.  Pray…pray…and pray some more.  Pray God brings revival…that He gives men eyes to see and ears to hear…that He strengthens us and gives us courage.  Pray that we will not fear man, but God. We are only passing through…our citizenship is in Heaven and no election can ever take that away from us!  God bless you!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Where the Buffalo Roam

I used to sing the song when I was a kid in North Carolina, "Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam…"  Little did I know it was prophetic for me many years later.  About 20 minutes from our house, we have a Wildlife Refuge.  It spans about 600 acres across parts of Texas and Oklahoma.

They are actually bison.  There are herds of bison, elk, and long horn cattle that run free here.  It really is a fascinating place.  The children love it.  

Yes, I was really that close to this guy while he was scratching his head!  Fortunately, we were in our van.  You can get out and walk here, but these are still wild animals and you still have to be careful.  We were told there were deaths from the animals every year.  Some people get too close and end up losing their lives.

This guy was awfully big.  They are so used to vehicles…they aren't even phased.  But, of course, if I were as big as he is, I might not be phased either!

This guy was eating beside the road. 

This is a little harder to see, but there is a prairie dog there.  They have a large part of the refuge that has hundreds of these little guys.  They are so adorable!    
This is one of the more pleasant things we like about Oklahoma.  I look forward to filling you in on other things as well.

On another note, today is election day…Please go out and vote.  Remember, regardless of who is President elect this time tomorrow…Jesus is still on the throne!

Friday, November 2, 2012


Photography by Joy Fowler
Eight months since my last post…and so much to tell.  There have been mountaintop experiences and deep valleys I have traversed.  But, through it all, God's hand has led and He has been my rock and refuge in every time of good and trouble.  I have missed the blogging world, but needed to step away for a while.  Sometimes we must do that.  We must step back and evaluate…listen to the Lord, find what He is calling us to do and always to be faithful to that.  

I don't know if I will divulge all the things that have happened along the way.  Some are too personal, too raw to write.  It is enough that God knows.  But, I know that in many ways I am not the same blogger I was.  Experiences change us…they deepen our understanding of so many things…they sharpen our focus. 

Since my last post we have moved across the country.  We left North Carolina to find our new home in Lawton OK.  The above picture is one of the many beautiful sunsets we enjoy overlooking the pond behind our house.  I hope to fill you in about our new home soon.  God has been so very gracious to me.  He continues to walk with this child of His every step of the way.  I cannot thank Him enough!